Information for Trial Paddlers - pay just $60 pro rata to the end of September

18 Jun 2023 by Emma Ingersoll

PORCC is extending all trial paddlers’ free sessions to the end of June 2023.

To continue paddling after this date, you will need to be a member of PITTWATER OUTRIGGER RACING CLUB there are two (2) registration fees that apply.

STEP 1: Annual PORCC club fee ($240.00 for 365 days of paddling) but you will pay just $60 pro rata to the end of September with access to any training session & the clubs fleet of OC1, OC2 & OC6 outrigger canoes. (This fee of $240 is due in October of each year).

STEP 2: AOCRA (Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association) member fee $70.00 per annum. This provides individual paddlers with the necessary Insurance cover provided by our national governing body. This fee is due 12 months from the date of first joining AOCRA.

How to Pay PORC Club Fees

To join go to our website and fill in the online form and then forward payment as set out below.

Direct Deposit
BSB: 062-251
Account Number: 10038760
Reference: your full name

PORCC annual club membership is $240 (October-October)
*AOCRA membership is valid 12months from date of joining

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